Jurisdiction Reports

Abbreviation Definitions

GLSW (Great Lakes surface water): the Great Lakes, their connecting channels (the St. Clair River, the Detroit River, the Niagara River and the St. Marys River), and the St. Lawrence River

Other surface water (OSW): tributary streams, lakes, ponds, and reservoirs within the Great Lakes basin

Groundwater (GW): all subsurface water

Illinois Report of Water Use by Withdrawals, Diversions and Consumptive Uses

BasinSectorWithdrawalsDiversionsConsumptive Use
Lake MichiganPublic Water Supply780.06780.060
Self-Supply Commercial and Institutional1.771.770
Self-Supply Irrigation0.0800.08
Self-Supply Industrial34.260.540.03
Self-Supply Thermoelectric Power (Once-through cooling)22.5300
Self-Supply - Other132.62132.620
Grand Total971.31914.980.1

Illinois Report of Water Withdrawals by Source

Lake MichiganPublic Water Supply780.0600
Self-Supply Commercial and Institutional1.7700
Self-Supply Irrigation000.08
Self-Supply Industrial34.2600
Self-Supply Thermoelectric Power (Once-through cooling)22.5300
Self-Supply - Other132.6200
Grand Total971.2300.08

Illinois Report of Water Use Totals

SectorWithdrawalsDiversionsConsumptive Use
Public Water Supply780.0600780.060780.060
Self-Supply Commercial and Institutional1.77001.7701.770
Self-Supply Irrigation000.080.08000.08
Self-Supply Industrial34.260034.2600.540.03
Self-Supply Thermoelectric Power (Once-through cooling)22.530022.53000
Self-Supply - Other132.6200132.620132.620