Water Use Sector Definitions

1Public Water SupplyWater distributed to the public through a physically connected system of treatment, storage and distribution facilities serving a group of largely residential customers that may also serve industrial, commercial, and other institutional operators. Water Withdrawn directly from the Basin and not through such a system shall not be considered to be used for Public Water Supply Purposes.
2Self-Supply Commercial and InstitutionalCommercial uses include Water used by motels, hotels, restaurants, office buildings and institutions, both civilian and military, that would not otherwise be considered Public Water Supplies. This category also includes Water for mobile homes, hospitals, schools, air conditioning and other similar uses not covered under a public supply. In addition, this category includes amusement and recreational Water uses such as snowmaking and Water slides.
3Self-Supply IrrigationWater artificially applied on lands to assist in the growing of crops and pastures or in the maintenance of recreational lands, such as parks and golf courses.
4Self-Supply LivestockWater used by horses, cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, poultry, and other commercially important animals. Water used in fish hatchery operations are also included under this category.
5Self-Supply IndustrialIndustrial Water includes Water used in the manufacture of metals, chemicals, paper, food and beverage and other Products. Mining Water use includes Water used in the extraction or washing of minerals, for example solids, such as coal and ores, and liquids such as crude petroleum and natural gas. Water used in quarrying and milling is also included in the industrial category. Brine extraction from oil and gas operations is not included. Withdrawals and Consumptive Uses for industrial and mining purposes (including dewatering operations) recorded under another category (e.g., public supply) will not be recorded here. Once initially reported, Water used in a closed cycle (recirculation) will not be reported as a Withdrawal. "Make-up Water" will be reported once upon entering the system. Other situations should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
6Self-Supply Thermoelectric Power (Once-through cooling)Withdrawals and consumptive uses already recorded under another category (e.g., public supply) will not be reported here. Typically, these facilities are fueled by fossil fuels such as coal, oil or natural gas.
7Self-Supply Thermoelectric Power (Recirculated cooling)Withdrawals and consumptive uses already recorded under another category (e.g., public supply) will not be reported here. Once initially reported, Water used in a closed cycle (recirculation) will not be reported as a Withdrawal. "Make-up Water" will be reported once upon entering the system. Typically these facilities are powered by nuclear fuel.
8Off-Stream Hydroelectric Power ProductionWater removed from a stream channel and used to drive turbines that generate electric power. This category also includes "off-stream use" for pumped-storage systems [e.g., reservoir storage] that return water to the source.
9In-Stream Hydroelectric Water UseThis category includes "run of the river" use which is not considered a Water Withdrawal or Consumptive Use. Reporting for this category is voluntary.
10Self-Supply - OtherWater used for purposes not reported in categories one through nine. Examples include, but are not limited to, withdrawals for fish/wildlife, environmental, recreation, navigation, and water quality purposes. Specifically, water used to maintain levels for navigation, for recreation, for fish and wildlife habitat creation and enhancement (excluding fish hatchery operations included under Category 5), for flow augmentation (or diversion), for sanitation, pollution confinement, and other water quality purposes and agricultural activities (services) other than those directly related to irrigation.